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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Stress- Cause, adverse effects on health & stress busters

Stress can affect body & cause a lot of harm. Chronic stress can be the result of irritating hassles or a long term life condition such as a difficult job situation or problems in family life..

How to identify that stress is developing?

One should recognize when stress is setting in.
Following are the signs -

Inability to sleep

Muscle tension

Raising voice

Increasing heart beats

Excessive tiredness,

Dry mouth,

Erratic movements,

Breathing difficulty,

Stomach upset - diarrhea, acidity

Excessive sweating

Sexual dysfunction ( lack of sex desire -libido, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation)

Chronic stress can have following effects :-

Muscle pain :-
Neck, shoulder and low back pain.

Cardiovascular Disease :-

High blood pressure,
Abnormal heartbeat (arrhythmia),
Problems with blood clotting and hardening of the artery (atherosclerosis).
Coronary artery disease, heart attack or even heart failure.

The respiratory system :-

Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD)

Skin Problems :-

Stress can make disorders such as acne, bronchial asthma or psoriasis worse. Stress worsens the symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome

Immune system :-

The body tends to become more prone to illness, from colds and minor infections to major diseases. If you have a chronic illness such as AIDS or cancer, stress can make the symptoms worse.

Stomach and intestinal problems.

Alteration in bowel habits
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Peptic ulcer disease
irritable bowel syndrome.

Reproductive system :-

Painful menstrual period,
Decreased fertility & libido and
Erection problems & decreased sperm production.

”Short term stress”

‘Tension’ is often the first sign of acute stress. Tense muscles are tight and feel ‘hard’ to touch. A tense mind make you feel jumpy, irritable and unable to concentrate. One tends to make a lot of mistakes. This can be a warning to do something about stress to prevent long term effects of stress and enjoy a comfort.

Acute Stress problems :-

Acute (Short term) stress is the body’s immediate reaction to any situation that seems demanding or dangerous. Your stress level depends on how intense the stress is, how long it lasts and how you cope with the situation. The body usually recovers quickly from acute stress, but it can cause problems if it happens too often or your body doesn’t have a chance to return to normal. In people who have heart problem, acute stress can trigger an abnormal heartbeat (arrhythmia) and even a heart attack.

Stress Busters

One should do some relaxing activities regularly.

1. One should have regular sex. Sex is a very good stress reliever. Find some time for romance. Interact with your wife.

2. Arrange tours at weekends with family & friends. Select nearby hillstations.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Regular exercise is beneficial for heart & sex life

Regular exercise is the key for a healthy body.. It helps in reducing fat & weight loss. It improves heart function

“ Health is wealth”. " A sound mind in a sound body". One should not forget this.

Yoga helps in achieving good health.
Yoga gives us mental peace & keeps physically fit to fight stress. It keeps body flexible. All over the world, people are following yoga now.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Tummy Reduction And Weight Loss Are Very Important For Avoiding Hypertension

Tips for tummy reduction

1)join gym.Do situps

2)yoga is very good especially pranayam exercises.

3)avoid oily food.

4)cut down on sugar and junk food.

5)Drink lots of water

6)Do following exersizes -run, walk, swimming, etc

7)Take plenty of green vegetables & salad

8)Hot water has the capability of liquifying fat. So strictly drink hot water

9)"Surya-namaskar" is also very good & it helps in reducing fat. This is a method of exercise which is followed in India which gives a good exercise to almost all body parts.

10)Eat a lot of salad which gives less calories .Also it gives a feeling of fullness & prevents eating of food which contains high calories

11)Avoid 3 white things in excess-"sugar,salt & ghee"

12)Avoid foods like-mutton,chicken,eggs in excess
.These contain a lot of fat.Eating in proper amount is allowed

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Lipids-Enemy of health
Systemic hypertension is a multifactorial disease.
Hypertension is ranked as the fourth greatest mortality risk factor in the world. It is defined as a state of persistent elevated pressure above 140/90 mm of Hg on two or more blood pressure recordings.

Hypertension may be divided into primary and secondary.
. Primary (or essential) hypertension means exact cause is unknown & it comes as a part of aging process. It is by far the most common type, representing more than 90% of cases.
. Secondary hypertension may be iatrogenic (oral contraceptives, steroid therapy) or may be caused by renal parenchymal disease, renal artery stenosis, and endocrine causes

Hypertensive retinopathy is a well-known condition. Hypertension can cause retinal artery & vein occlusion. In grade 3 "Hypertensive retinopathy", one sees a lot of hemorrhages in fundus while in grade 4 "Hypertensive retinopathy", optic disc edema also develops.

Choroidopathy in malignant hypertension may affect visual function permanently but may also in part be related to two other factors, the compromised circulation of the optic nerve and maculopathy in the form of extensive macular exudates. The fundus changes may be the reflections of changes that are going on in other organs of the body like heart, brain and the kidneys.

DM & HT are 2 enemies which once enter our body will remain for whole life. There is no cure. We can only control HT & DM. It is also the most important risk factor for cerebral vascular disease. The mortality and morbidity associated with hypertension also include renal and ophthalmic end-organ damage. HT can cause ischemic heart disease(IHD) & cardiac failure.
Hypertension patient can develop sudden cerebrovascular attacks(stroke).Sudden reduction of blood pressure through the administration of multiple antihypertensive medications may result in hypoperfusion and ischemic injury to susceptible tissues